Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

How much time do you spend looking at your reflection? A few minutes here, another moment there. But, really, how much time do you spend looking at yourself? What are you checking for? Are you looking for flaws and things that are out of place for that important meeting, gathering with friends or perhaps attending worship service? You check to make sure that everything is all together. You look so together, yet you are falling apart.
See, God looks at the heart of man not the outward appearance. He cares how you look on the inside.
And, how do you look on the inside? Not what anyone would think, is it? Inside you don't really even know who you really are. And you will never know who you are until you find you in Christ. All of who you are or will become will be in Christ Jesus.
We all search for who we are. We all do it in our own individual way. We climb mountains and conquer the highest heights facing many obstacles. We get degrees. We come from an obscure past and beat the odds becoming successful. We write books about how to be overcomers. We search and search and search. We will go to the highest height or go as far as we can to the depths of the sea yet we still cannot find ourselves. The man that says He knows who He is outside of Christ, well, he is liar. If he doesn't know Christ, he is lost. He doesn't know who he is. We find ourselves when we shut the noise of the world out and go to that secret place with God. We get alone. It is on our knees with a humbled heart. Perhaps lying prostrate on the floor, stretched completely out before God like the prophets of old did would be the method. But we find ourselves in Him. We prepare our hearts. We submit to Him and His will. We make preparation.
We are all making preparation. The Bible tells us so..."Prepare to meet thy God". So, as you dress yourself daily think about The One whose opinion does count. If you should care about anyone's opinions, it should be His.

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