Why is that sometimes people feel as though others can work for free? They want to charge for their items or their service but somehow you should give them your product or your service at a discount or even better, just why not give it away free?
You have encountered this numerous times in business. Can you do this? What about that? Maybe a little bit more of this? How about a whole lot more of that? The answer is almost always yes with reserve. You are wondering. Is there an image that is being projected here that comes off as unworthy? Questions arise. So, yes, for this time, I will. The end result is irritation. So, how do you love them yet assert yourself in business?
Well, maybe that is why Jesus said "the workman is worthy of his hire". We are all worth something, obviously. After all, He paid the highest penalty of all for our sins. He shed His very precious blood so that we would not be condemn but they we may live. I think He sure thinks something of us.
Perhaps He wanted us to understand when people work, they should be compensated.
And you should think something of yourself. No too much, for on the other end, Jesus did warn us to "not think more highly of ourselves than we ought". We have to have a balance here.
So, if others don't feel you are worth it, just remember, you are. You are precious. You are worth it.
Go. Be prosperous and most of all, give back.
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